With just under three weeks left until Oldboy hits theaters, FilmDistrict has unveiled four new photos featuring Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Copley, and director Spike Lee. The story follows Joe Doucett (Josh Brolin), a man who is mysteriously imprisoned for 20 years and then suddenly released. Determined to seek vengeance, he embarks on a mission to find those responsible for destroying his life.
Check out the photos below, and continue reading for details about a special three-hour director’s cut.
In a recent interview with The Los Angeles Times, Josh Brolin revealed that Spike Lee has a three-hour director’s cut of Oldboy, which the director personally prefers over the 104-minute theatrical version. Brolin described the extended cut as “quieter, with more character-centric moments.” When asked about the version that fans will see in theaters this Thanksgiving, the actor offered a measured and diplomatic response.